New Sony/Disney Spider-Man Deal

Looks like Peter Parker will still an Avenger at least for one more movie. Sony and Disney have agreed to a deal to do a third Spider-Man movie.

The Hollywood Reporter reported earlier today about the deal. Earlier in August Sony and Disney went their separate ways after the successful debut of Spider-Man: Far From Home earlier in the summer. News and rumors had been flying back and forth since then, with fans hoping that something could be worked out to keep Spidey from having to say goodbye to the Avengers and everything else in the franchise owned by Disney. It arguably came at a bad time for Disney, just before the big D23 expo showcasing Disney’s new shows and movies for its existing franchises. Since August there’s been a roller-coaster of stories filled with drama and blame for who was behind the seemingly-acrimonious split

The movie even has a tentative release date: July 16th, 2021. There’s also going to be another appearance by Spider-Man in another MCU movie, thought it wasn’t named today. Jon Watts is also being tapped to direct, after directing the previous two films.

This deal is not surprising, as the Sony/Disney Spider-Man partnership has been fruitful for both companies. Marvel gets a degree of creative control over its most popular comic book character and gets to use him as an important asset in MCU story-telling, while profiting off of merchandising. Sony, on the other hand, gets box-office proceeds that exceed what its own stand-alone Spider-Man movies have made (Far From Home, at $1.1 billion, is Sony’s highest earning film), in addition to the positive market feedback that gives to its own non-MCU related Spider-Man projects, such as the very successful Into the Spider Verse. Add to that a very successful console game in Spider-Man, and the Sony-Disney Spider-Man deal has been a license to print money for both companies.

And of course, if the next Spider-Man is just as successful as the previosu two, that's even more incentive for Sony and Disney to keep working together.

Are you happy things got worked out? Give us your thoughts and opinions in the comment section!


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