Isolation Watchlist - Day 1

Well, 2020 is off to an...intense start, wouldn’t you agree? If, like me, you live in an area currently dealing with an outbreak of novel coronavirus or covid-19, you’re probably going to have a lot of time at home to kill.

It’s a perfect time to catch up on some binge watching! At least until the toilet paper runs out and it’s time to don your war gear and go out to fight for more.

I’ll try to bring you a good recommendation for a bingeable show to watch each day. Maybe we can get through this with a minimum of sanity loss. If you’ve seen the recommendation or don’t like it, it’s ok, a new show will be administered to your streaming IV the next day, so hang in there!

My Name is Earl - Day 1

We’ve all felt like karma has it in for us at some time. In Earl Hickey’s (Jason Lee) case, he’s absolutely right. My Name is Earl follows a simple man’s attempt to better his life by correcting every wrong he’s committed in his checkered past.

After winning $100,000 off a stolen lottery ticket and promptly getting hit by a car and losing said ticket, Earl, convalescing in a hospital hears a Carson Daley segment on karma. Earl realizes his life sucks because he’s done nothing but terrible things to the people around him. So he makes a list of every wrong he can remember doing since childhood, and boy is it a long, sordid list.

With the help of his family and friends, Earl just might get his happy ending. All he has to do is make it through his list.

At Earl’s side is his brother, Randy (Ethan Suplee). Earl and Randy live together in a seedy motel. Along with Randy, Earl sometimes gets help from his ex-wife Joy (Jaime Pressly) and her new husband, local cook and man of mystery Darnell, aka Crabman (Eddie Steeples). Rounding out Earl’s posse is Catalina (Nadine Velazquez), a maid at the motel with an intense past before immigrating to the US.

Each episode, Earl attempts to make right a wrong from his past, from stealing the car of a one-legged woman he had a one-night stand with, to multiple crime sprees through Camden, stealing police cars, and everything in between.

The fictional town of Camden also has quite an assortment of weirdos and both well-meaning and not-so-well-meaning nincompoops, and maintains a solid cast of supporting characters who pop up quite often.

In my view, Joy and Randy steal the show quite often. Between Randy’s well-meaning stupidity, and Joy’s, well, craziness, there’s never a shortage of laughs to be had watching my Name is Earl. Jaime Pressly as Joy especially really ups the crazy at times, giving some incredibly memorable performances. The cast has great chemistry with each other, and each zany personality plays off really well with each other.

So if you want to watch something funny, ultimately wholesome, with plenty of dark humor and shocking antics involved, My Name is Earl comes highly recommended.

My Name is Earl ran from 2005-2009, has 96 episodes comprising four seasons. I watched it on Hulu, but it can be found on Amazon Prime and other streaming venues as well.


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